Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Your Ultimate Guide To Menopause Lane

Is this menopause?

Many questions spring from this single query. Countless questions pop into mind as women reach their late 40s or early 50s. Along with the wonderment are the undesirable experiences of unfamiliar signs and symptoms.

Think of menopause as an unknown destination. You cannot go clueless and unprepared. With that, we’ll provide you with the essential information you’ll need to know before you traverse the inevitable menopause lane. Uncover the answers to all of your menopause-related queries below.

What is menopause?

Typically, women undergo hormonal changes as they reach old age or senescence. Menopause is a sudden lasting stop in the ovarian function which leads to a noticeable decline in the production of estrogen and progesterone.

It is identified as the day where a woman did not have a menstrual period for a 12-month period. The inactivity of a woman’s ovaries marks the end of a woman’s reproductive and fertile years.

What are the factors that can affect menopause?

Besides the natural decline of a woman’s sexual reproductive hormones, menopause can also result from:


There are two types of hysterectomy – partial and total. A partial hysterectomy is a surgical procedure where a woman’s womb or uterus is removed while her ovaries are left unharmed. However, during a total hysterectomy, the fallopian tubes and ovaries are also removed.

After the surgical removal of the ovaries in a total hysterectomy procedure, a sudden decline in the estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production in a female’s body occurs. These lead to an immediate and intense menopause.

  Chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Cancer therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, provide potential harm to the ovaries. During these kinds of therapies, women usually undergo a temporary menopause.

Menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, may start during the treatment and may continue to develop in the months after.


Like cancer therapies, cigarette smoking also damages the ovaries. In fact, smoking cigarettes sabotages female hormone imbalance. It speeds up the onset of menopause in women.

A study by the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine found out that smokers experienced menopause years earlier than their non-smoking fellows.

  Hormone disruption

Extreme or frequent exposure to environmental toxins and certain chemicals interfere with the endocrine system. Hormone or endocrine disruptors disrupt the healthy and normal production of hormones. They act like the body’s naturally occurring hormones and take the place of the cell’s normal hormones. This hormone disruption leads to an overproduction of certain hormones and hormone imbalance.

Examples of hormone disruptors are usually found in commonly used products. These include BPAs, dioxins in feminine napkins, atrazine, phthalates in plastic products, lead, arsenic, PFCs, organophosphate pesticides, and glycol ethers.

  Premature ovarian failure

About 1% of the entire women population suffers from premature ovarian failure or the occurrence of menopause before reaching age 40. It is a condition where a woman’s ovaries fail to sustain the normal production of female reproductive hormones.

Experts cannot fully explain why premature ovarian failure happens. However, it can normally be associated with genetic factors and autoimmune diseases.

The What, When, Why and How of Menopause

A popular quote from a well-known author, Haruki Murakami, says, “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. The ‘hurt’ part is an unavoidable reality.”

It is a given fact that menopause is an inevitable part of a woman’s life. Along with menopause are the countless undesirable signs and symptoms a woman dreads to experience. Menopause may be inevitable, but it sure is manageable. You cannot choose to escape menopause, but you can choose how to deal with it. 

Facing menopause head on with menopausal facts and information is a step closer to winning the battle against the negative effects of menopause. 

With all your menopausal questions answered and all the information you have, you can now gracefully brave the inevitable menopause ride!

This article is written by Sanford Harvey for Genemedics Health Institute. Check out Genemedics website at